Department of Physical Education


Department of Physical Education was originated in 1958 as the Field of Physical Education, Department of Education, College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University. In 1962, Department of Physical Education was established and had about 320 undergraduate students at that time. The Department of Physical Education is one of the oldest university level educational institution in the field of physical education in Japan. Now, the department has about 800 undergraduate students, about 15 master’s students, a few doctoral students, 20 faculty members, and 4 department staffs.

We educate teachers of physical education in junior and senior high schools, coaches or instructors in the field of health and sport, and researchers in physical education, health, and sport sciences. Since a part of students in this department will be a teacher of physical education in junior and senior high schools, we provide many opportunities to learn mechanisms to do the exercise as well as doing the exercise.

If you have questions, we are glad to help. Please contact our department’s office at office(at)

Degree Programs

Bachelor’s Degree Program in Physical Education
Extent 124 credits
Duration 4 years
Language of instruction Japanese
Licenses Teacher license for junior high school –Grade 1 (Physical Education)
Teacher license for high school –Grade 1 (Physical Education)
Common lectures exemption course I + II + III, Japan Sport Association
Coach of swimming, Japan Sport Association
Coach of soccer –Grade C, Japan Sport Association
Assistant manager, Japan Sport Association
Accredited training instructor, Japan Association of Training Instructors
Camp instructor, National Camping Association of Japan
Master’s Degree Program in Education (Physical Education)
Extent 30 credits
Duration 2 years
Language of instruction Japanese
Licenses Teacher license for junior high school –Advanced (Physical Education)
Teacher license for high school –Advanced (Physical Education)
Doctoral Degree Program in Education (Physical Education)
Duration 3 years
Language of instruction Japanese

Faculty members

Name Title School subject
AOYAMA Kiyohide Professor, Ph.D. Sports Biomechanics/Coaching Science/Sports Movement and Behaviour
KOYAMA Takayuki Head, Professor, Ph.D. Physical Therapy/Sports rehabilitation
MATSUMOTO Megumi Professor, Ph.D. Sports Nutrition
MIZUKAMI Hiroshi Professor Sports Sociology/Volleyball
MIZUOCHI Fumio Project Professor, Ph.D. Sports Psychology
MIZUSHIMA Koichi Professor Coaching Science/Gymnastics
NAGASAWA Junichi Professor, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology
NOGUCHI Tomohiro Professor Coaching Science/Swimming
OTAKE Masato Professor Coaching Science/Soccer
SUZUKI Osamu Professor, Ph.D. Sports Pedagogy
TAKAHASHI Masanori Professor, Ph.D. Test and Evaluation of Physical Education
ISANO Ryoji Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sports Pedagogy
KONNO Jun Associate Professor Coaching Science/Judo
SHIROMA Shuhei Associate Professor Coaching Science/Basketball
YOSHIDA Akiko Associate Professor Dance
FUKADA Kihachiro Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Exercise Physiology
KAWAI Ryosuke Assistant Professor Kendo
SEKI Keitaro Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Sports Biomechanics/Track & Field
YOSHIZAWA Yukika Research Assistant Sports Nutrition


  • General gymnasium (including main arena, swimming pool, Judo arena, Kendo arena, training room, and laboratory)
  • Sakura Sport & Gymnastics Center (including gymnastic hall, dance room, multipurpose hall, and seminar rooms)
  • 100th anniversary hall (including new-arena, multipurpose hall, international conference room, etc.)
  • Track and field ground
  • American football ground
  • Golf practice range
  • Tennis ground
  • Mini ground
  • Six experimental rooms in General gymnasium (e.g., exercise physiology, biomechanics)

For more information (in Japanese)